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Around Town, The Macaroni Mama Blog

Summer Bucket List 2022

Every summer I have a calendar where I write all the dates of classes, camps, events, and vacations. I love to keep organized and when I sign up for something, I don’t forget because it’s on the calendar.

My name is Christine and I am a planner. I love to search for events, happenings, and festivals around Denver and enjoy them with my kiddos.

We have 18 summers with our kids, it makes me sad, but it’s true. So every year, around this time, I gather the kids and we talk about our summer plans. What are the must-dos, sort of a wish list if you will?

Our Summer Bucket List 2022

  • Make it Monday-we try a new recipe and make it together
  • Cheyenne Mountain Zoo-I have never been all these years
  • Local Libray Summer Reading Program
  • Family Bike Ride
  • Free Movies
  • Go to a water park
  • Ice Cream for Dinner-a fun tradition and why not?
  • 7/11 Slurpees
  • Family Hikes
  • Visit Rocky Mountain National Park
  • Picnic in the mountains
  • Visit fun new playgrounds
  • Visit a splash park
  • Horseback ride

Do you plan out your summer with your kids, or are you a take-it as it comes type of mama?

Needs help with your summer plans? Click here to get started with your vacation planning!

The Macaroni Mama Blog

May Madness

Anyone else feeling stressed over their calendars for May? I am so happy that we have gotten back to more gatherings and events, as a mom I feel like I missed out on a lot, like my youngest graduating from kindergarten, Christmas concerts, and field trips.

Fast forward to May 2022, and we are back baby! As I write this, my calendar is busting with events, science fairs, concerts, ice cream parties, graduation events, Mother’s Day Programs, end-of-year ceremonies, parties, Mother’s Day, and my middle’s birthday.

I am a planner so I have my calendar for social/school happenings and my work calendar. It is a juggle my friends and I am trying to take all the moments in and not stress myself out but IT IS A LOT.

I love my flexible work schedule and being able to attend field trips and ice cream socials but at times I feel like I am holding on by a thread. I know these days are fleeting, these moments are precious.

They say the years are short and the days are long and I completely agree. My oldest is 14 graduating high school and the picture above seems like yesterday.

Am I overbooked, stressed and holding on by a thread this month, absolutely. But I am also overjoyed, blessed, delighted, and lucky to have three beautiful children with whom I can have a scoop of ice cream in their classroom enjoy the bus ride with 45 1st graders on a field trip, and watch an 8th-grade graduation ceremony and partake in a 6th-grade ukelele concert.

If you happen to see me in the month of May, fellow mamas, we can smile, sympathize and enjoy these special moments together.

Health, The Macaroni Mama Blog

Snow Much Time at Home

In Denver, we have had a rough, cold winter so far. We usually get more sunny days than in Hawaii. But this winter has seemed looong, dark and cold. We haven’t had those days where you can go to the park and play. There is too much snow and ice and the playgrounds are all muddy.

The cold and flu this year is pretty bad as well so we have been laying low so to speak and trying to avoid the germs out there too.

This season, I am struggling with was to burn off my kid’s energy.

My 5-year-old is a homebody, to begin with, and loves a good PJ day so he is more than happy to stay at home.

Since he is Junior Kindergarten, we get a homework packet to do each week, so we do that daily. We also do some other type of school work, either cutting paper, writing our name or learning letters and numbers.

He is in a huge Lego phase right now, so he loves to play with those. Our basement is like a Lego minefield at the moment.

I also put all the many, many, many Christmas presents that Grandma and Grandpa had given my kids under my bed. My kids know whenever we are super bored, I let J pull a new toy from there. I also try to rotate toys so an “old” toy seems “new” again.

Do you want to build a snowman? All else fails, bundle up, go outside and play in the snow with your kiddos. Make sure you have hot chocolate when you return, one of our favorites.

A mom needs to be creative when stuck in the house. I also let him pick out 3 long books, that honestly at bedtime, I’m too tired to read. So I let J pick them out and he loves for me to read him these “special long books”.

Some activities I’d like to try more are:

  • Homemade Playdough
  • More Arts and craft projects
  • Indoor picnic
  • Teddy Bear tea party
  • Make our own children’s book

What are some of your favorite snow day activities? Please share in the comments below.

The Macaroni Mama Blog

Pajama Day

With three kids and all their activities, school work, church, etc. we are super busy.

Some days it’s just go, go, go.

But every once in awhile, we STOP, stay in our pajamas, play games, watch a movie, maybe even bake something. And we don’t leave the house, just relax and spend time together.

It’s much needed and the kids love it. And I think I love it even more.

Of course you need some cute jammies, like these cute ones from Kohls.

The Macaroni Mama Blog

Fall Break

I can’t believe that next week is the kids Fall Break.

I usually get a calendar out and plan out each day with crafts and/or outings.

This year it’s a museum day, pumpkin patch day, maybe even do some baking another day. Our local library is doing a Fall Fest that week too so that will be another outing.

We’ll try to get a Pajama Day in as well.

As they get older we have to schedule around team practices and some appointments.

I will be thrilled to have a week of no homework and not having to pack school lunches.