Anyone else feeling stressed over their calendars for May? I am so happy that we have gotten back to more gatherings and events, as a mom I feel like I missed out on a lot, like my youngest graduating from kindergarten, Christmas concerts, and field trips.
Fast forward to May 2022, and we are back baby! As I write this, my calendar is busting with events, science fairs, concerts, ice cream parties, graduation events, Mother’s Day Programs, end-of-year ceremonies, parties, Mother’s Day, and my middle’s birthday.
I am a planner so I have my calendar for social/school happenings and my work calendar. It is a juggle my friends and I am trying to take all the moments in and not stress myself out but IT IS A LOT.
I love my flexible work schedule and being able to attend field trips and ice cream socials but at times I feel like I am holding on by a thread. I know these days are fleeting, these moments are precious.
They say the years are short and the days are long and I completely agree. My oldest is 14 graduating high school and the picture above seems like yesterday.
Am I overbooked, stressed and holding on by a thread this month, absolutely. But I am also overjoyed, blessed, delighted, and lucky to have three beautiful children with whom I can have a scoop of ice cream in their classroom enjoy the bus ride with 45 1st graders on a field trip, and watch an 8th-grade graduation ceremony and partake in a 6th-grade ukelele concert.
If you happen to see me in the month of May, fellow mamas, we can smile, sympathize and enjoy these special moments together.