Well, we made it through the 2020-2021 school year, almost, and that means it’s time for SUMMER!! Can you believe we made it through the entire school year?
It’s been challenging and ever-changing for sure, just when you have a schedule figured out, you get the dreaded email that your child’s class has been quarantined and BAM, your schedule changes in an instant.
But as the end of the school year comes, I go instantly into planning mode because let’s face it, I’m a planner.
I get a calendar out and start week by week, I usually look up free activities around town, add in VBS, some trips to the museum or zoo, library activities, family trips and go from there.
Next time, I’ll share about our fun summer activities last year. We called last summer, “The Summer of the Outdoors” since we were still restricted, we did activities that were outdoors and let us social distance.
How do you plan your summer with your kids or are you not a planner?