Let’s be honest we are all trying to fill the days with activities to keep our kids busy.
My last post contained activities to use with electronics, you can read it here https://paradisetravelbychristine.com/virtual-family-fun/
Today, let’s put those electronics away and have some good old fashion family fun.
After schoolwork, chores and reading are done or if you need to break up your school day there are tons of ways to entertain your kids.
Here is a list of some of the activities we are doing lately:
- Play a board game
- Put a puzzle together
- Take a family walk
- Play in the yard
- Looks through old photos
- Sing some songs
- Chalk artwork outside
- Write a letter to a friend or family member out of state
- Artwork-paint, color, sculpt with clay or playdough
- Build a fort
- Learn a new song to play on an instrument you have at home
- Have an indoor picnic or if the weather is nice an outdoor picnic
- Play hide and seek
- Dress up and have a family tea party-we did this with lemonade
- Play the alphabet game
- Teach your dog a new trick
- Play spa and have manicures/pedicures
- Bake cookies
- Play restaurant, have your kids help prepare dinner, set the table and make a menu. Then they can serve you and play waiter/waitress
- Have a dance party
I also try to have daily quiet time, where the kids are off electronics and in their own rooms playing, reading, whatever. I think they need a break from their siblings and I need some quiet of my own, from them, to get actual work done. I did this a lot when my kids stopped napping, it’s usually after lunch and by that time, mama needs a break!!
These are just a few ideas to entertain your kids without electronics. I like to look on my Facebook feed to get ideas from my friends or browse Pinterest.
You can follow my page here .
Please don’t feel like you need to be the Pinterest perfect mother, this time in our lives and the situation we are all living in, just do your best.
If your kids are loved, well-fed, a roof over their heads then they are good and so are you. Take it one day at a time mamas, you are doing great.
Share some activities you are doing with your kids, I’d love to get some new ideas.