I hope you all had a nice Easter with your families. I know it’s strange to not get up and go to church, celebrate with your fellow Christians, exclaiming “He Has Risen”!
Our Easter did look different, we were missing my mom and dad, who we celebrate with and see quite often. Attending church online was different, I’m used to hugging my church people, loving on their kiddos. sharing laughs with my fellow volunteers.
We usually go out to eat in the afternoon, have someone else do the cooking, always a nice break.
Attending numerous Easter events around town, egg hunts, egg decorating parties. Sitting down with my kiddos and painting eggs etc.
We did not paint real eggs this year because my family doesn’t eat hard-boiled eggs or egg salad and honestly, I didn’t want to waste our eggs.
We decorated paper ones and hung them around our house. We went on virtual egg hunts around our neighborhood.
It’s OK to mourn the usual, we are all in unprecedented times and our normal is not normal, it’s our current reality.
Some things that remained the same this Easter, “He has Risen!”, it’s Resurrection Day!! I got to give praise to Jesus on this day. I got to worship with my church family online, maybe not face to face but we were together nonetheless.
My favorite part of the day, making resurrection rolls with my children and listening to the children’s sermon together, on the couch, in our pajamas
We always make some sort of bunny-themed breakfast, and I will do this for my children until they are adults. This year was bunny pancakes.
I was surrounded by loved ones, were we in our Sunday best, no, were we in a restaurant, no, but we were together.
My kids got to go on an egg hunt in or backyard, thankfully, I had plastic eggs in my basement and various other Easter goodies from past years and candy from Amazon.
There is an option: the glass half empty vs. half full. I choose a half-full philosophy on this Resurrection Sunday.