The Macaroni Mama Blog

An Unusual May

If you have school-aged kids, May is usually a very crazy time of year. Piano recitals, moving up ceremonies, Mother’s Day programs, science fairs, band concert, graduations, picnics, field day, the list goes on and on.

Usually, I’m bombarded by Sign Up Genius. Lists after lists appear and I’m scared to even open my email because of fear of another signup lurking.

But this year, May was quiet. May was different, there was no signup lists, no end of year ceremonies, no Mother’s Day programs, no preschool graduation for us. No scouts end of year party or camp out, no moving up ceremonies.

The school play was postponed until later this summer, no end of year choir concert, no end of year parties. We did a drive-by, pick up your stuff, and wave to your teachers. We all tried our best but it still felt cold and sterile.

athletic field, ground, lane

Field Day was on your own and post your pictures online. The kids always look forward to this all year long. And I appreciate our school trying to fill that void for my kids.

Usually, I’m run ragged from running to one event to another for each kid. Usually, my calendar is FULL of commitments, food to bring, places to be or items to buy (thank you Sign Up Genius).

Usually, I look forward to the Mother’s Day programs, recitals etc. I mean we mothers eat it all up,right?

Usually, I’m beaming with pride watching my kid present at the science fair or reading a poem they wrote. Usually, I take home the program and place it directly in their memory boxes. Usually, my heart is overflowing from pride with all the year’s accomplishments.

Usually by the end of May, I’m exhausted, longing for summer break.

This year was so full of the unusual that I long for the busyness, I long for the usual. I guess the old saying is right, careful what you wish for!

We are all putting on a brave face but it’s such an unusual time, an unusual end to the school year and an unusual summer ahead.

The Macaroni Mama Blog

Starbucks Vanilla Creme Drink

We don’t go to Starbucks often, just as a treat and usually after a holdiay or birthday when we have a gift card.

Sometimes, I’ll treat one of my daughters to a coffee date where we can chat, catch up, and spend some one on one time together.

They both love the Vanilla Creme Frappe and always order it when we go.

Since we have lots of free time these days we’ve been playing around and trying to copycat the recipe. We think we found it and wanted to share it with you.

Copycat Vanilla Creme Drink

1 cup of milk

1 cup of ice

1/4 cup of sugar

1 tsp of vanilla extract

2 tablespoons of Cool Whip

Place all ingredients into a blender and mix until all the ice has been well blended and enjoy.

Quite refreshing especially going into the summer months.


Early Riser

Every morning I set my alarm for 5:30 AM and I am not a morning person. Why would I do this to myself you ask?

My kids are early risers, always have been. So I have learned in order to have my time, I need to be up before they are.

Somethings I like to do before they awaken are workout, listen to a podcast, check work emails complete my gratitude journal, write a blog post, jump on a quick travel training video, even enjoy a nice Nespresso from my machine. I’m also trying to read 15 minutes of a self-development book each day as well.

I can do a number of things before my kids start getting up with pillows and blankets in their hands, hair all messy and groggy-eyed asking for breakfast and/or a show.

One of my favorite times of day with my kids because they are still groggy enough that I can smother them with hugs and kisses and ask them if they had a good night’s sleep.

Then my morning really begins, breakfast, shows, sippy cups, cook, clean up, get dressed, shower, get them dressed, hair brushed,etc. It’s off to the races!

I cherish my “me” time, the only bad thing is I’m wiped by the end of the day and am usually in bed quickly after that “one more book, please mom” time.

But that’s OK because I would usually just spend time on the couch, with some late-night snacks, watching too much reality TV.